1. Efficacy of Oral Acetaminophen and Intravenous Chlorpheniramine Maleate versus Placebo to Prevent Red Cell Transfusion Reactions in Children and Adolescent with Thalassemia: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind Controlled Trial.
2. The effect of intravenous hydration strategy on plasma methotrexate clearance during intravenous high-dose methotrexate administration in pediatric oncology patients.
3. X-Linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease: Initial Presentation with Intracranial Hemorrhage from Vitamin K Deficiency in Infant.
4. Cholangiocarcinoma in a Child with Progressive Abdominal Distension and Secondary Hypercalcemia.
5. Genotype-phenotype correlation among beta-thalassemia and beta-thalassemia/HbE disease in Thai children: predictable clinical spectrum using genotypic analysis.
6. Clinical and molecular genetic features of Hb H and AE Bart's diseases in central Thai children.
7. Improved pregnant women's understanding of research information by an enhanced informed consent form: a randomised controlled study nested in neonatal research.
8. Genotype and phenotype correlation in intracranial hemorrhage in neonatal factor VII deficiency among Thai children.
9. Molecular Characterization of Hb H and AEBart’s Diseases in Thai Children: Phramongkutklao Hospital Experiences.
10. Isolated Ocular Relapse in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia during Second Interim Maintenance Phase of Chemotherapy: Case Report.
11. The clinical effect of fentanyl in comparison with ketamine in analgesic effect for oncology procedures in children: a randomized, double-blinded, crossover trial.
12. Molecular analysis of beta-globin gene mutations among Thai beta-thalassemia children: results from a single center study.
13. Pediatric acute leukemia: the effect of prognostic factors on clinical outcomes at Phramongkutklao Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.
14. Knowledge of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its associated factors among teachers in 3 large primary schools in Phra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya Province, Thailand.
15. The factors of ketamine that affect sedation in children with oncology procedures: parent satisfaction perspective.
16. Outcome of Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon: the role of vincristine as monotherapy: report of a case.
17. Megakaryocyte and platelet abnormalities in a patient with a W33C mutation in the conserved SH3-like domain of myosin heavy chain IIA.
18. Intracranial bleeding in haemophilia beyond the neonatal period--the role of CT imaging in suspected intracranial bleeding.
19. Unusual Case of Concurrent Retroperitoneal Congenital Infantile Fibrosarcoma and Cellular Type Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma.
20. Clinical outcomes and prognostic factors to predict treatment response in high risk neuroblastoma patients receiving topotecan and cyclophosphamide containing induction regimen: a prospective multicenter study.
21. Improved parental understanding by an enhanced informed consent form: a randomized controlled study nested in a paediatric drug trial.
22. Original article. Efficacy of intravenous dexamethasone for the prevention of vomiting associated with intrathecal chemotherapy and ketamine sedation in children: a randomized, double-blinded, crossover, placebocontrolled trial
23. Original Article Molecular Characterization of G6PD Gene Mutation in Neonatal Jaundice in Phramongkutklao Hospital